The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme in the UK is a government-run program that provides financial compensation to individuals who have been physically or mentally injured as a result of violent crime. The compensation is paid to those who have suffered an injury and can demonstrate that the injury was sustained as a direct result of a crime of violence.
To be eligible for compensation, the crime must have been reported to the police and the victim must have cooperated with the police investigation and prosecution. The amount of compensation awarded is based on a tariff system and can range from a few hundred to several thousand pounds, depending on the severity of the injury and other factors.
The purpose of this scheme is to provide financial support to victims of violent crime who have been physically or mentally injured as a result of the crime. The compensation is intended to help cover the cost of medical expenses (which are not covered by NHS or recoverable from any other source), lost income, and other expenses related to the injury.
CICA will consider claims for the following injuries, medical conditions, and special expenses:
- Mental or physical injury following a crime of violence;
- Sexual or physical abuse claim;
- Loss of earnings – where you have no or limited capacity to work as the direct result of a criminal injury;
- Special expenses payments – these cover certain costs you may have incurred as a direct result of an incident. You can only ask us to consider special expenses if your injuries mean you have been unable to work or have been incapacitated to a similar extent for more than 28 weeks;
- A fatality caused by a crime of violence including bereavement payments, payments for loss of parental services and financial dependency; and funeral payments.
To qualify for an award, an injury must be described in the tariff of injuries at Annex E of the CICA Scheme. Not all claims for compensation will be successful; you must be eligible under the rules of the Scheme.
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