Unveiling the most recent Tactical Electronic Intelligence (ESM) system, the TacSense Compact ESM system.

TacSense (model ELL-8395 TacSense) utilizes the most recent methods to intercept, classify, track, and analyze radars, including the most recent Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) emitters. TacSense’s powerful and comprehensive ESM system capabilities cover the entire radar frequency spectrum, giving operators a real-time understanding of hostile radars that are threatening them with surveillance and targeting. In addition, it can detect forces beyond the visual range and even beneath dense cover, where radar and EO/IR systems cannot penetrate.

A first customer has chosen to use TacSense, and the company has been contracted to deliver several tens of operational systems.

ESM is becoming increasingly crucial in the fight against electronic threats as a result of the ever-increasing use of radar technology in the tactical arena, whether for defensive or targeting purposes. One key example of this is in naval radars. We are now able to meet the demand for a powerful, cost-effective, and compact ESM system with TacSense model ELL-8395. The system’s size and cost make it equally effective for protecting high-value fixed installations, and it can be easily deployed by mobile forces. This system will transform the battlefield.


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